A.D.Works Group Co., Ltd.



Message from the President

The Group’s income property solutions business has been a mainstay thus far and will continue to be so. This business buys carefully selected existing income properties and carries out a thorough legal examination to determine whether the property is suitable based on laws. This business also plans products that reflect the trends of the times so that we can support the activity of the people and companies that will locate there in the near future. Once this process is complete, the property is sold to the customer, and after the sale, we continue to provide dependable follow-up with property management so that the income property is administered appropriately over the long term.

Through these business activities, we are able to unlock the maximum potential of the income properties we hold, and enhance their appeal to new levels once the Group becomes involved. We continue to ensure the enduring value of this property thereafter as well.

Moreover, the Group puts the income property solutions business in Japan at its core, while also actively operating an overseas real estate business and a small-lot real estate investment product sale business, among others. We intend to transform into an investment solutions company to provide a range of investment solutions to even more customers going forward.

If we can help to mobilize the estimated 2,000 trillion yen in individual financial assets by offering safe and reassuring investment solutions, we can help bring a new dynamism to the economy and society.

The Group will increasingly contribute to a sustainable society through its businesses from this point on.

Hideo Tanaka, President and CEO