A.D.Works Group Co., Ltd.


Company history

The Company was established through sole share transfer by A.D. Works Co., Ltd. following the shift to a holding company system in April 2020. The company's history from its founding to the present is outlined below.

April 2020A.D. Works established the Company through sole share transfer on April 1, and it was listed on the first section of TSE through a technical listing on the same day.
September 2020Established ADW Hawaii LLC to buy and sell, develop, and hold real estate in Hawaii, the US, among other functions
October 2020Acquired Real Estate Broker license
December 2020Changed the name of Smartmoney Investment Co., Ltd. to Angel Torch Co., Ltd. to enter the corporate venture capital business
December 2020Established Jupiter Funding Co., Ltd. to use crowd funding and other methods to raise money
May 2021Released the First Medium-term Management Plan, the first plan since switching to a holding company structure
September 2021Formed a Sustainability Committee to contribute to the development of a sustainable society

The history of A.D. Works, Co., Ltd., which became a fully owned subsidiary of the Company as a result of the sole share transfer on April 1, 2020, from its founding to the present is outlined below.

May 1936Aoki Dyeing Works was established as a corporate organization
August 1976Acquired real estate brokerage license and began real estate transaction operations
February 1995The company name is changed from Aoki Dyeing Works to A.D. Works Co., Ltd.
March 1999Our business objective was changed from dyeing operations to the sale and purchase of real estate, brokerage, rental management, appraisal, consulting and investment consulting operations.
August 1999Registered as a real estate appraisal business
November 2001Registered as a real estate advisory services business
December 2005Registered as a seller of trust beneficiary rights
January 2006Registered as a real estate investment advisory business
February 2007Registered as a first-class architectural office
October 2007Listed on the JASDAQ Securities Exchange
December 2008Established A.D. Estate Co., Ltd. as a subsidiary
February 2011Established A.D. Remodeling Co., Ltd. as a subsidiary
April 2013Established ADW-No.1 LLC in California, the US, as a subsidiary operating an income property business in the US
July 2013Succeeded to A.D. Remodeling Co., Ltd. through an absorption-type company split of the Company's property management business, and changed the name to A.D. Partners Co., Ltd.
September 2013Established ADW Management USA, Inc. in California, the US, as a subsidiary to operate the property management business in the US
January 2014Launched the A.D. Works Group's owners' club "torch" (currently named "Royaltorch")
February 2015Obtained a business permit under the Real Estate Specified Joint Enterprise Act
February 2015Established A.D. Works USA, Inc. as a subsidiary to preside over business in California, the US
April 2015Moved to second section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
October 2015Listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
September 2016Opened Osaka sales office
October 2016Established Smartmoney Investment Co., Ltd. as a subsidiary with the objective of setting up a matching platform for Small-lot real estate investment products
February 2017Changed name of A.D. Estate Co., Ltd. to A.D. Designbuild Co., Ltd. as a step in the full-scale expansion of the construction business
September 2017Launched A.D. Works Shareholder Club (currently the A.D. Works Group Shareholder Club)
September 2017Completed construction of AD-O Shibuya Dogenzaka, the first office building developed in-house
August 2018Launched sales of ARISTO Kyoto, our first small-lot real estate investment product
October 2018AD-O Shibuya Dogenzaka, the first office building developed in-house won the Good Design Award
March 2019Took over business of Smartmoney Investment Co., Ltd.
April 2019A.D. Designbuild, our wholly owned subsidiary, acquired all shares of Sumikawa Komuten Co., Ltd., which operates a construction business, and made it a Group company
April 2019ADW Lending LLC, a subsidiary that operates a housing loans investment business in the US, established in California, the US
March 2020A.D. Works Group established as a wholly owning parent company following the transition to a holding company structure and delisted due to the Group's technical listing on the first section of the TSE (April 1, 2020)