A.D.Works Group Co., Ltd.


Message from the President

Change flexibly and create original value

The Group has a history extending across more than 100 years, from our start in the dyeing business in 1886 to the present. There are two reasons we have outlasted the trends of the times and the changing environment and succeeded to date.
One reason is that, instead of fighting against trends and changes, we anticipated them and adapted with flexibility. The other is that we have continued to cherish our values, including our approach resting on customer trust, the entrepreneurship that generates original value, and the professionalism that underlies all of this.
Determining the delicate balance between what we can change and what we cannot is the key to our staying power.

Open the door to possibilities

The more time and space that we cross, and the more that we grow as a company, the greater the issues that we face. At these times, I am left with a strong sense that we have grown thanks to the expectations of our customers, shareholders and investors, business partners, industry collaborators, various related parties, community members, new recruits to the Group, employees and their families, and all other stakeholders. All possibilities are left open if the aim is to meet these expectations. In fact, we are actively opening doors--this is the approach taken by those of us in A.D. Works Group.

Become an investment solutions company and move forward

The Group currently focuses on income property solutions, but we aim to provide a more diverse range of product services to more customers. With this objective, we intend to transform ourselves into an investment solutions company.
And what are we aiming for when we look even further? We cannot set limits on this now but wish to leave it up to the will of the next generation. After all, just as our founders could not have even imagined 100 years ago where we'd be today, we will evolve into something entirely different 100 years from now.

The ADWG Group is looking even further beyond this day and will continue to pursue greater improvements in corporate value so that we can meet your expectations. We ask for your continuing support and cooperation going forward.

Hideo Tanaka, President and CEO